For movie lovers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miracle at St.Anna

I saw this movie in theaters when it came out last year. The previews sucked me in, and I tend to always appreciate a World War II epic. Consequently, I felt the need to review Miracle at St. Anna so that no other viewer will make the same mistake I made. THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. I have never walked out of a movie, and I generally like most all movies. However, within five minutes of this one, I was ready to leave the theater or punch myself in the head to knock myself out. I was not allowed to do either and so I tried to force myself to fall asleep to escape the torture that was the Miracle at St. Anna.

Spike Lee, you've done some good "joints", but this one should never be viewed by a human person on the planet. If someone says to you, "I would like to watch Miracle at St. Anna", run screaming while seriously doubting this person's sanity and taste as well as your friendship with them.

While it is common knowledge that Spike loves a nice racially charged film, this one is just completely over the top. Its losely based on a true story that could have made a really great movie, but the greatness ends there. It follows a group of African American's in an all black squadron (platoon, group, whatever the term is) as they fight in Italy during WWII. That part really happened, that's the part that could have made a good story into a great movie. But then the movie actually happens and the character we are supposed to empathize with is the worst actor in the world, the character we are supposed to hate is the worst actor in the world, the peacemaker character is the worst actor in the world. There's some heeby-geeby juju about a miraculous sculptural head (St. Anna) that is just stupid. The acting is bad, the script is bad, the effects are bad. Its BAD.

I can't even bring myself to give this movie one dollar. It gets ZERO DOLLARS.


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